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DrawView 6.0

Product Introduction

DrawView 6 is an interactive multimedia teaching platform designed for the needs of information teaching. It takes the multimedia interactive whiteboard tool as the core of its application, and provides various common functions such as cloud courseware, material processing, and subject teaching for lesson preparation and teaching. Compared with the previous generation of DrawView software, DrawView 6's interactive teaching method is simpler and more efficient, and it provides corresponding subject tools based on each stage of K12.

Register and login

Users can quickly register and log in through their mobile phones. After logging in successfully, they can use the full version of DrawView 6 Smart Cloud Classroom software.

New courseware

Teachers can create new courseware here and use the main template provided by the software to quickly create courseware.


Cloud Courseware

After successfully logging in, users can save the courseware on the cloud server, and use the saved courseware across devices, and ensure data security, and never lose the teacher's courseware.

Lesson preparation page

Rich lesson preparation controls, traditional PPT layout, zero learning cost, get started immediately.

Teaching page

New teaching tools, new interactive teaching mode.

Pen tool

Provide a variety of pen types for teachers to choose.


small tools

A wide range of teaching tools to help information teaching.

For more details,  please contact us for more information!

Add: 1001, Block A, Tanglangcheng Square (West Zone), Fuguang Community, Taoyuan Street, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

Tel: +86-18682005021 Email: overseas@touch-easy.com

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